Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moral and Ethical Decisions

Seldom do we see our politicians being recognized for making 'Moral and Ethical Decisions'. We were honored when "Government Technology" magazine asked us to photograph California Secretary of State Debra Bowens. We learned it was because she had just been awarded the JFK "Profile in Courage Award". Secretary Bowens had made the difficult and expensive decision to stop California from using newly installed and just being installed Voter Terminals. Her staff had decided that they couldn't certify the election results if we voted with these computer terminals. Tommy McKeith the Art Director asked us to try to work the award into the photograph if possible. We meet with a staffer from Secretary of State's office to do the scouting. She allowed us to scout the offices a few days before the shoot to find just the right spot to do the shoot. There was a nice balcony and office but we the courtyard caught our eye on our way in, that would be the spot.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Short Circuited by Technology?

Let’s face it; technology is everywhere and ever changing. It impacts our work life, family life, and friendly life. There is no way out of it, unless you plan to go off the grid, and since many of us like our place on said grid, we have to find a way to keep up. Read the FIVE ways we keep up with technology.

1. NEWS – Most national news platforms have a section on their website labeled “Technology.” It is usually filled with information on the latest and greatest technology advancements as well as the controversy that comes along with it. Scanning this section can be a great way to keep current:

a. Suggested News:,

2. BLOGS – Blogs help us expand our understanding. Make sure you are following a blog written by an expert or experts of the industry. Blogs usually support comments at the bottom of each post. This allows for a topical debate to pursue, and if anything is good for a laugh.

a. Suggested Blog:

3. REVIEWS – Eventually we all have to replace our electronics. Before you rush to Best Buy or the Apple Store read the responses to new products by industry professionals. It is also help to read consumer reviews. Reviews will help direct you to the product that is best fit for your lifestyle.

a. Suggested Reviews:

4. TIPS & TRICKS – We all need tips and tricks to help simplify. We generally keep adding more to our plate than taking away. Useful tips and tricks will help you find and maintain a balance within technology. You might even be able to teach your kids a thing or two.

a. Suggested Tips:!fromthetipsbox

5. HIGHLIGHTS – OK, you are the person who has no time except for that five-minute coffee break in the wee hours of the morning. You need the Highlights page. This page will give you all of the most talked about highlights for the week. Scan and sip.

a. Suggested Highlights:!highlights